Mom Coach Sarah was Specifically Designed for YOU, and Here’s Why

Mom Coach Sarah was Specifically Designed for YOU, and Here’s Why

Hi Mommas! 

In this post, I want to dive deep into the foundation of my coaching, why I started it, and how it can best serve you. 

I started Mom Coach Sarah because I am tired of looking around and seeing moms struggle doing “all the things” but never feeling like they are getting anywhere, except exhausted. 

The lists we have seem to be never-ending: parenting, work, the house, meals, self-doubt, stress, staying healthy, losing weight…Moms are inundated with the expectation they should be doing more, and frankly, it’s TOO MUCH.

So many moms are struggling, and there just hasn’t been a solid resource created that helps them reach their goals and enjoy life more through holistic coaching. 

You can find plenty of coaches telling you which ONE of those things I mentioned is the main problem. But the truth is, your life is unique and the solutions must work for YOU. Every solution is specific to the person you are and your life, in this season, with your kids, with your job, and with your energy levels. 

So, I decided to build a platform that can be customized to you and the complete opposite of a one size fits all. Let’s get into the What, Why, and How of Mom Coach Sarah. 

What is Mom Coach Sarah About?

Mom Coach Sarah is an individualized approach to YOU. 

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I do not believe in a one size fits all approach to anything! 

The list goes on and on. As the owner of Mom Coach Sarah and my coaching practice, I believe that you should be able to find ways to live your life without becoming someone else. When you are finding what works best for you, why would you try to fit into someone’s parameters for success?  

It is true that you can always be inspired by another’s plan, but it’s never really going to work if you don’t put your own spin on it. There is a difference between getting ideas and trying to make yourself fit into someone else’s ideal life. 

Mom Coach Sarah is a judgment-free zone. 

Did you chuck a burrito in anger last night? Did you eat a pint of ice cream when you said you wouldn’t? I want you to feel comfortable bringing all the “guilty moments” to the table, because for one, there is nothing to be guilty about. You are human. It’s not going to help you to try to hide the parts of yourself that you deem as ‘bad’. We are all learning and growing and in a space where shame is not welcome. 

Mom Coach Sarah will work with ALL of you. 

When you come to work with me, no part of who you are is off the table. If we start by working on your weight loss, there is a good chance we will start talking about your identity and purpose. If you want to work on building your business, we will probably talk about your values and your health. 

Why? Because it is all connected. Your success has to do with everything going on in your life, and I mean everything. 

I want to serve you if you know there is more for you. I am here to connect the dots and help you uncover why it is you just can’t seem to get to the place you want to be. 

Mom Coach Sarah is because you know there is more for you. 

Mom Coach Sarah is for you if you love your life and your family so much, but you know there is something more for you that you just don’t know how to get to.

You are probably in a season of reflection and growth. Maybe your kids are all finally in school and it’s time to start looking at you, the woman, again. Who are you? What do you want out of your life? How is your health? Are you connecting with God the way you want to be? Are you happy about where your time is going throughout the day? Do you have a vision for yourself in the next month, or year, or five years? 

These are the questions that matter. These are the questions I will work with you to find fulfilling answers for. These are the questions that will empower you. 

Why does Mom Coach Sarah exist?

I started Mom Coach Sarah because I kept seeing a lack of balance. 

When I started paying attention to self-improvement content across social media, it hit me that what was really being promoted was a lack of balance. There was “this fix” or “that hack” that you needed to focus on to be your best self. But in reality, it was everything. 

Everything in your life is connected, and what’s really missing is probably a lack of balance and rhythm. It’s so easy to see a verified mom account on Instagram and think, if she can do it, why can’t I? 

I saw this ideal image of a mom become based around “doing it all.” I found myself and my clients both beginning to feel like we just couldn’t do enough as moms. But the truth behind those accounts is that they have entire teams helping them, and no one is really doing it all by themselves. No mom should think she’s a failure if she can’t achieve everything on her own.

Mom Coach Sarah exists to be the voice of reason.

It is time to stop comparing yourself to others and start finding confidence in defining your own success. It was important for me to develop a platform that helps you get in touch with your reasons. This means that if you aspire to be the 5am folding queen or live by Pinterest hacks, then I am so here for it! But if you are a better mom and woman when you wake up at 7 or 8, then I am here for that too. 

I said above that Mom Coach Sarah is not a one size fits all platform, and I meant it. It is a one size fits YOU space. I want to help you find clarity and confidence in knowing that what you do IS enough. Mom guilt is something we overcome here. It is time for you to enjoy motherhood in a way that works for you! 

Stay at home, be the CEO, have a part-time gig- all of it is right if it’s right for you. So how do you know what’s right for you? That’s where the tools I will teach you come in. 

I have been in a place where I needed Mom Coach Sarah, too. 

We often teach what we need to know. And the truth is I’m probably more like you than you think. Don’t let the cute website and social media images fool you. 

I struggle with self-doubt, I’ve spent way too much time having issues with food, I’ve struggled with my weight, and managing all parts of being a fulfilled mom and woman. I was in my late 30’s before I finally learned how to fully embrace and allow my emotions to exist. I definitely had emotions, but I buffered them with food or shopping, anything that could distract me so I didn’t really have to deal. And I NEVER allowed anger, until now, when I learned how to understand it.  

I struggled with my weight most of my life and I still have to be wise with how I eat. I also still have motivation issues around working out sometimes. I yell at my kids when I shouldn’t, and I have plenty of horrible mom moments. Specifically, moments we often forget every other mom is probably going through, too. 

I’m just a normal mom who has learned a lot along the road of life. And I want to share that knowledge with you. 

Through Mom Coach Sarah, I will share with you the tools and perspectives I have gained just a few steps ahead of you on this journey. I have worked with many different clients, and have learned a lot from their unique journeys. 

Sometimes you just need a friendly nudge in the right direction, and sometimes you need help defining your goals. No matter where you are on your journey, I can offer a path forward for you to follow. 

Life is 50/50, my friend. It’s ups and downs and everything in between. Learning to accept these rhythms is the key to enjoying life more. 

Don’t ever think that one day you will have “all your problems solved”. Do you want to lose weight, make a certain amount of money, have your dream house, etc? All of those “things” won’t make you happy, feel fulfilled, or confident if you aren’t plugged into YOU. Mom Coach Sarah exists to get to the true you and help you find balance in all parts of your life. 

How will Mom Coach Sarah Serve You? 

By now, hopefully, you understand why I created Mom Coach Sarah, and what kind of coaching you will find on this site. I am so passionate about applying everything I have learned as a coach, mom, and woman in order to help you live the life that makes sense for you! 

I have so many plans for this site. There will be a monthly blog post that will offer you tips, tools, or perspectives on all different parts of self-discovery and personal development. As we begin, I have one on one coaching available and am developing a multi-week, full-self program called The Healthy Mom Method Course. I am so excited to launch this course. 

If you decide to invest in my coaching, the course, or engage with the blog, you will get:

  • Clarity on how to move through places you are stuck

  • Insight into yourself and those you love

  • Realistic help for long term weight loss and health

  • Permission to be yourself and to be free from mom guilt

  • Tools to reach your goals and grow, and achieve things you now think are impossible for yourself. 

  • Confidence, from the inside out. 

Mom Coach Sarah Was Designed For Moms who want to get healthy, lose weight, reach their personal and professional goals AND be a great mom! 

No longer are we going to perpetuate the myth that you should be able to do it all, according to someone else’s metrics for success. This site and my coaching is all about YOUR version of success, how to define it, and how to get there. 

How are you feeling today? What is one thing that you really want to focus on? Leave a comment below, check out my programs, or reach out directly. I can’t wait to hear from you, and see you succeed in the way you want! 

Sarah Failla


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