Debunking 5 Lies That Keep You From Losing Weight

Debunking 5 Lies That Keep You From Losing Weight

Hey momma! 

Today we are going to take the negative things we say to ourselves about our weight loss, and throw them completely out the window. 

If you have been on a weight loss journey before, for any amount of time, you know how hard it can be. And believe me, I get it. The discouraging, disheartening feelings when you think you’re doing what you’re supposed to, but not seeing any change. Sometimes it even feels like a full-time job, on top of everything else you are responsible for.

Then you look to social media, and it just reinforces the negative thoughts you’re telling yourself. When you see the 5 day detox, or quick fixes, it can feel overwhelming and confusing, especially if you are not seeing the weight loss you want to. 

But now, it’s time to take a step back and take the power away from those lies you’ve been telling yourself. Because these lies are probably the only thing that’s really been holding you back in the first place. 

So, let’s take a deep breath together. You don’t have to be overwhelmed anymore. We are on this weight loss journey together, and I am here to help you empower yourself. You CAN get the results you want, and calm the chaos in your life while doing it. 

If you would like additional help along the way, I am here for you! I can help you work through these lies and more in my program, The Healthy Mom Method. Here, you will learn where these lies came from in the first place and write yourself a new story. You will find freedom and get healthy in a way that works with your body and life, not against it. 

Debunking 5 Lies That Keep You From Losing Weight

I have said all of these lies to myself multiple times before I learned how to rewrite them for good. Some of these might be easier for you to overcome than others. Take note of this, and try to explore why you feel more tied to some of these lies than others. 

Weight Loss Lie 1: My Metabolism is Broken

Truth: Your metabolism is NOT broken. Your body WANTS to be healthy

Have you ever heard of the concept that the more you say something, the more likely it is to come true? Well, the more negative, broken speech you say to your body, the less likely it is going to show you the success you want. 

For the majority of you, you are not working with a “broken” body. You just gained some weight, and things are functioning a little differently, but that doesn’t mean you’re broken. 

I think the most damaging mindset I’ve seen clients have is that they are at war with their bodies. Rather than loving and appreciating it for everything it does for them, they approach their weight loss like their body is the enemy, and they need to defeat it. 

But let’s look at this thinking for a second. The body that you’re acting like you’re at war with is the same body you’re going to have when you get to your goal weight. I know it might seem hard, but you have to give your body some love, even if you aren’t happy with the weight you are at. Because, it is that body that will get you to where you want to be. 

Your metabolism is not broken, and your body is not broken. Your body is beautiful, miraculous, and wants to be healthy. Keep repeating this new truth, and throw that old, negative thinking away. 

Weight Loss Lie 2: I have tried everything, and nothing works. 

Truth: You have tried many things, but you have not tried all the things consistently

This is a HUGE factor that a lot of us can forget about when we are struggling on our weight loss journey. And something I talk a lot about in my coaching. 

It is so common for my clients to feel like they’ve failed at losing weight when they haven’t even tried something for 3 weeks. Social media can often lure us into this false ideal that there are quick fixes around every corner. But the full truth is, weight loss takes time. 

Even in my 4 day weight loss plan, I don’t promise that it will immediately change your life forever, but it will get you started on something you can work to implement over a longer period of time. 

So when you start telling yourself the lie that you’ve tried everything, start actually logging when you started your current approach, and how long you’ve actually been committed to it. If you have tried it for 6 weeks and still don’t feel like it’s a good fit for you, then you can move on to something else. But, if it’s only been one week, give it some more time.

And if you do this, I promise you will find something that works. And the best part is that by time you realize it’s working, it will already be a habit because you’ve stayed consistent for long enough. 

Weight Loss Lie 3: If I ask for help, I am admitting I am weak and incapable. 

Truth: Asking for help is not weak, and sometimes it is the only thing you need. 

If you’re anything like me, it can be almost impossible to ask for help sometimes. You know what you need to do, why do you need anyone to help you? Well, let me tell you a quick story. 

After I gave birth to baby number 3, I felt completely lost with my weight. I was not happy with where I was at, and was so embarrassed about it. I was actually a health coach at the time, and felt that I had to stop, because if I couldn’t get my weight under control, how could I help anyone else? 

Then one day, I swallowed my pride and I reached out to another health coach for help. I felt so ashamed that I had to ask someone else to help me with what I helped my clients with, but I needed it. And as a coach myself, of course I knew what I needed to do, but the missing link was the coach to keep me accountable. 

Instead of staying stuck inside my head, telling myself stories about how I should be able to do this, I was able to talk to someone else who got me out of my head, and helped me find success on my weight loss journey. 

I promise you, as scary as it might be to ask for help, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself. And once you do, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to reach out in the first place! 

Weight Loss Lie 4: It will be easier when the kids are older

Truth: It will never be easier, or harder than it is today. 

It’s been said before, but it’s the only real answer here: There is no day like today. Just start now. 

Of course, if you have a very tight schedule because of your kids, you will not want to take on a weight loss program that requires hours of your time each day. I agree, that is not something you can do right now. 

But, find a plan that works with your life. The goal of weight loss is to create lifelong habits and improvements. The only way anything will stick is if it actually fits into your life, and what makes you happy. 

That is why my coaching is never one size fits all. Everyone’s needs are different, and it is important that you start a weight loss journey that does not turn your life upside down. 

Weight Loss Lie 5: I’m too busy. 

Truth: If you let being busy be more important than your health, your body will pay for it later. 

When you start a weight loss journey, you need to consider your priorities. If your health is important to you, you need to figure out a way to put it first. You cannot feed your body junk, put extra weight on your joints, and dismiss quality sleep forever. If you don’t slow down now, your body will force you to eventually. 

Just like in lie number 4, you need to create a weight loss plan that actually works within your existing schedule. If you only have 15 minutes a day to dedicate to weight loss, but the plan you started demands 2 hours a day, then maybe you are too busy. 

But that’s not a valid excuse to give up. It is only a valid excuse to change your plan. 

Look at the ways you are organizing your time, and see if there is anything you can move around to fit in time for meal prep or exercise. If there isn’t then you need to really think about what it is you want your life to look like, and you might have to give some things up in order to put your health first. 

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The Bottom Line: Make your weight loss journey work for you, and you will have the body AND the life you want!

All of these lies are ones you could warp to look like the truth. They are tricky, and can often get the best of you. If you try to do this, you are going to spend more time talking in circles then you will spend time losing weight and getting healthy. 

Instead, you can stop listening to these lies, and write new truths that actually help you in your weight loss journey. 

The most important thing I want you to know is that you can get the results you want. You don’t have to believe your body is broken, or that nothing works for you. You don’t have to keep putting your weight loss off until the kids are older, or you have more time on your hands. And you especially don’t have to do it alone. 

You can design a weight loss plan that works specifically for you and makes sense with your life. Think of it as a budget. You need to work with what you have available, and figure out the best ways to get the results you want. 

And I would love to help you design this plan! Get in touch today, and I can help you dig deeper and find out what helped create those lies in the first place. Everything is connected in our lives, and I am here to help you figure out how those pieces fit together, and which ones are holding you back. 

Have you identified any lies that you have been telling yourself about your weight loss? Do you feel like you are holding yourself back in any way? What are some new, positive stories you have written for yourself?

Sarah Failla


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