Enneagram Test: How Do You Find Out Your Enneagram Number & Which Enneagram Test Is The Best?

You may have heard people talking about their Enneagram, but do you have any idea what that actually means? 

If you are completely new to the concept, check out my overview post so you know what to expect once you want to take an Enneagram test, and find out your number. 

An Enneagram test can be a great way to enter into learning about your Enneagram, but it is not the final step. Many Enneagram gurus will actually tell you that the test is not the most accurate way to determine your number, because the Enneagram is about WHY you do what you do, not simply WHAT you do. 

But, we all have to start somewhere, and taking a test will at the very least give you a frame of reference where you might want to start researching. 

So, let’s dive in. 

Which Enneagram Test Should You Take?

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The most popular and trusted test on the internet is through the Enneagram Institute here. The test is $12 and it’s the one I have my clients take when working together in The Healthy Mom Method Program

I like this Enneagram test because it gives you a percentage of how you score for each number. If you are struggling to decide between a couple of numbers, the percentage breakdown can help you know which 2-3 numbers to start exploring first.

You can also take a FREE Enneagram Test here. I really like the approach of the team who is running this site — it’s very holistic and open. They also have been trained in the Enneagram which isn't always the case with the Enneagram being so popular right now.

How To Use Your Enneagram Test Results To Determine Your Number

If you took the Enneagram test, read your results, and knew it was spot on, start researching that number further. You can go to the Enneagram Institute I mentioned above and get lots of information about your number. Here is a post I did on the best Enneagram books and resources.

If you got a result that feels kind of like you, but you aren’t entirely sure about it, that’s okay! 

Your number is more complex than a test result, so now the key is to figure out how to use that result to get you started on your new Enneagram journey.  

Many tests will rank the number for you, so you can start with the top 2-3 numbers and explore those to see which one feels like the best fit. 

Here are a few steps you can take, in no particular order, to help you figure out your number after taking an Enneagram test: 

1. Read the Road Back To You 

I talk about this book in my resources list, and it is a great book to use when you are just starting out. When you are reading, look at all the numbers and try to locate which one stands out to you. 

Which ones do you know for sure aren't you? Which ones do you relate to?

From there, you can also see if there is a connection between the ones that resonate with you. 

For example, 3-6-9 connect, so if you find yourself wondering if you are one of these 3 then chances are one of them is your primary number. The other numbers that connect are 1-7-4, 2-8-4, 4-2-1, 5-7-8, 7-1-5, 8-5-2.

2. Look at the core fear/longing for each number. 

When you look at these, you may be able to cross off 2-3 numbers right away that you know for sure you don’t resonate with.

The Core Longing/Fear of each are (as written on the Enneagram Institute website):

One’s: Basic Fear: Of being corrupt/evil, defective.  Core Longing: To be good, to have integrity, to be balanced.

Two’s: Basic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved. Core Longing: To feel loved.

Three’s: Basic Fear: Of being worthless. Core Longing: To feel valuable and worthwhile.

Four’s: Basic Fear: That they have no identity or personal significance. Core Longing: To find themselves and their significance (to create an identity)

Five’s: Basic Fear: Being useless, helpless, or incapable. Core Longing: To be capable and competent.

Sixes: Basic Fear: Of being without support and guidance. Core Longing: To have security and support.

Seven’s: Basic Fear: Of being deprived and in pain. Core Longing: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled.

Eight’s: Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others. Core Longing: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life and destiny).

Nine’s: Basic Fear: Of loss and separation. Core Longing: To have inner stability "peace of mind.”

3. Learn about Triads and Stances

If you are new to the Enneagram, you may not be familiar with the triads or the stances, so keep it in mind for the future. 

If you have been learning about the Enneagram for a while and still aren’t sure which number you are, it could help to take a look at the definitions and information around triads (head, heart, gut) and stances (aggressive, dependent, withdrawing).

4. Find a group or mentor.

The Enneagram is a powerful experience in community. Look for a group in your area that is learning about it and/or find a coach who can teach you.

If you are in a season of self-growth and need a coach and mentor along the way, let’s get in touch. We can set up a call to see how I can best help you on your journey. 

If you are still struggling to know your Enneagram Number:

I know it can’t be frustrating, but remember this- if you are learning about yourself and growing you are winning. 

It’s all part of the journey. Give it some time, relax, and know that in time you will figure it out. Even if you spend a year or two thinking you are a number just to realize that you aren’t, it’s okay! You are still growing!

And while you are doing all this research, whether or not you feel committed to your number, a great way to use the Enneagram for self-reflection is to take a look at the bottom 3 numbers. 

These numbers offer a window into some of your deepest fears, which can lead to help with unlocking some of your greatest breakthroughs. My mentor used this strategy with me and it has been life-changing. 

I’d love to hear about your experience! Were your Enneagram test results spot on, or did you have to do a little more research? What number are you, how do you feel it represents you?

Sarah Failla


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