The #1 Reason Why Busy Moms Can't Lose Weight

The #1 Reason Why Busy Moms Can't Lose Weight

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Hey, momma!

Has it felt like you’ve been in a battle with your weight for most of your life? Does it feel like you’re just not losing weight no matter what you try? 

If you’re anything like me, it took me YEARS to figure out how to lose the 30 pounds that took just 6 months after high school to put on (and that’s not including pregnancy weight). 

The reason I work in weight loss is because I know the struggle first hand. I know how isolating it can be when no one knows how hard this is for you. 

I know how it can feel so embarrassing that you just can't lose the weight you want to. It seems impossible to get this one area under control. It feels like a hopeless battle. 

But I promise you, it is not. 

I get it. Losing weight is hard, and it feels like everywhere you look there is a new diet or exercise plan that promises to get you to the number that has felt out of your reach for so long.

The first thing you need to know is that the reason you are overweight is not that you don’t know what diet or exercise plan to follow.

A five minute Google search will give you an endless list of suggestions. There’s keto, vegan, paleo, weight watchers, carb-cycling, cardio, weightlifting, spin class, yoga. I’m starting to feel overwhelmed just listing them. There are TOO MANY OPTIONS.

And that’s exactly why I am not here to offer any specific plan. Instead, it’s time to get real about why you feel like no matter what you do, you can’t lose weight, just like why it wasn’t happening for me.

We’re about to take a hard look in the mirror, but remember that it’s because you want to feel free to move into the next season of your life without your weight being a problem. I want you to stop putting yourself down, and to start using your inner voice to lift yourself up. 

So, are you ready for it? Are you ready for the NUMBER ONE REASON why busy moms can’t lose weight? 


Do you feel like you’ve just been slapped in the face with a word you’ve heard a million times? Well, I did when I realized this. But that’s really all it takes- Make a plan, stick to it, and commit to the goal you want. 

Now I get it, this is SO MUCH easier said than done. But at the root of it all, that’s really all it is. It’s about consistency and sticking to the plan for the results that you want. 

Because this is such a simple idea that so many of us have trouble with, I want to share with you a few strategies I have found that help keep busy moms consistent with their weight loss goals, so you longer feel like you can’t lose weight, and start to make real progress. 

1. Remember WHY You Want to Lose Weight

Before starting any journey, you need to make sure you have a strong foundation.  

It doesn’t really matter which weight loss plan you choose, but it does matter that you know why you want to lose the weight in the first place.  

Obviously, you want to do the research and make sure whatever you decide fits your lifestyle (if you don’t have a lot of time to exercise, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) might be better than endurance cardio). But once you have decided on a plan you need to stick with it. 

Take 6-8 weeks and see how you like it and how your body is feeling. What is working and what is not working? Get in the habit of self-evaluating, and let the process teach you. 

While you are doing this, you need to identify why you want to lose weight in the first place. You need to create that unbreakable foundation for when things get hard (and they will) and those moments of self-doubt when you feel like you can’t lose weight.

2. Embrace the Hard Parts 

One of the biggest parts of weight loss is the lifestyle change you are creating for yourself.

It’s going to require a lot of change. 

And we as humans, do not like change. 

We think we do; that’s what gets us excited about setting goals and creating a vision for the future. But once we start having to take action on those goals, our brain starts to feel uncomfortable. 

There is a lifetime of habits between your current reality and your goals, and once your brain feels triggered, all it wants to do is push that much harder to keep you in line with what you’ve always done. 

Then, everything you’ve always believed about yourself comes rushing back in, and you stay in the never-ending cycle of losing weight and gaining it back. Does this sound familiar?

I wish it were more simple. And it can be in time, but first, you have to do the work, embrace the hard parts, and be willing to get uncomfortable. 

If you get to a point where you feel like it is impossible to keep moving forward with your goals, it might be helpful to coach yourself through these moments. 

Follow my guide on the ways to identify the stories, triggers, and reasons you can’t lose weight, while also learning what tactics you use that keep you in this pattern, and how to break free from them. 

This is also a great time to reach out to someone to help keep you accountable. If you need help, I am here for you! I have been in your shoes so many times before, that I strive to help others push forward when all they want to do is quit. 


3. Learn from Failure

We’ve talked about how the brain fights so hard to keep us in our old ways because it hates change. 

Because of this, it is completely understandable and expected if you break the weight-loss promises you made to yourself. But this doesn’t mean that you have to abandon all hope. 

Try to look at failure as a necessary and inevitable event that teaches you how to grow. 

These “mess-ups” will expose the stories, the beliefs, and the patterns that are not serving you. And once you know what they are, you can begin to redefine them. 

Now, you have shifted your mindset toward failure from a moment that confirms all your negative beliefs to a moment that has enabled you to grow further because of it. 


4. Find a Coach  

We all know how hard weight loss can be. And now we understand why.

Your whole life up to this point has probably been a cycle of wanting more for yourself, feeling like you can’t lose weight, and then being reminded of the safety you feel when you don’t push yourself to change. 

It is hard to alter the habits you have created for decades that have kept you from losing weight. 

Which is why it is completely understandable, and smart, to ask for help. 

A health coach can keep you accountable, which then will ensure that you stay consistent with your weight loss plan.  

But sometimes, often, it is harder than just saying you’re going to stick to a plan. 

I know how emotionally challenging the struggle can be, and how you feel deep down that you’re ready for a change but you start to feel so discouraged when nothing seems to be working.  

That is why I am more than just a weight loss coach. I am a life coach for moms who knows that weight loss is more than a diet or exercise plan. With my coaching, we will look at you and your life as a whole, and you will start to see that changes to your weight will reflect changes in your life. 



My friends, if losing weight were simple, you would have done it by now. 

Take a moment to forgive yourself, weight loss journeys are hard. But, when you use the right strategies, promise to be consistent, and find a coach that supports you in every aspect of the journey, it can feel a lot easier to manage. 

Weight loss is entirely possible for you. You can be free of feeling like you can’t lose weight, you can change, and you can love how you feel in your jeans. 

And then you’ll start to see that the journey becomes more than the number on the scale. The person you become in the process is the real reward. 

The real transformation happens when you see yourself as a person who can look at all the junk in your life and work through it in a healthy and productive way. 

And that, my friend, is when any dream or goal becomes possible. 

Self-confidence is the result of moving through the hard parts and coming to the other side. No one can take that away from you. 

If you are ready for this transformation, let’s talk! 

It’s not always an easy path, but if you are ready, I am ready to support you through it.

Take the first step and schedule a call to learn how I can best support you. I am here for you. 

 Sarah Failla

What do you think has been the biggest challenge to your weight loss? Where do you always see yourself hitting a wall? Do you have a specific pattern you just can’t seem to break? Let me know in the comments below! Let’s conquer this together! 


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