3 Steps To Learn From Your Emotions
We all have those emotions that we try to avoid feeling at all costs. For me, it’s anger. But there is a reason we have those emotions, and a lesson we can learn when they rear their ugly head. In this post, you’ll be able to identify the emotion, or emotions, that you avoid at all costs, think about a recent time it came up, and use that emotion to learn what you were missing at that moment.
7 Reasons Why You May Need A Life Coach
Being a mom and taking care of yourself is HARD. And even though some moms seem to have all the answers, there really is no one size fits all manual. But that’s where a life coach comes in. Because sometimes we all need a little help, and perspective, on how to reach our best lives. In this post you will learn what a life coach is, and how having a life coach could help you be the best version of yourself. So why wait? Find out right now why you might need a life coach!
5 Journal Prompts to Break Free from Self-Doubt:
As moms, we face so many opportunities for comparison, and they are not often positive. But today, you get to define what is enough for you and your family. Repeat after me, “I get to define what enough means for me,” and then follow these 5 journal prompts to dive in, break free from self-doubt, and start living your best life, today.
The Self Coaching Model: Coach Yourself Through Anything In 5 Minutes
Learn how to control your thoughts and choose your feelings. The Self-Coaching Model will teach you how take charge of the circumstances in your life. The Model is one of the most important tools I use when coaching my clients, and something I use almost daily. This is a post you’re going to want to bookmark.
4 Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is one of the most common emotions we feel when starting something new, but overcoming self-doubt is one of the hardest skills to master. This one is for my mommas who need to be reminded that you are capable of achieving anything you want. In this article, we will talk about the strategies you can use so it doesn’t keep you from reaching your goals.
The #1 Reason Why Busy Moms Can't Lose Weight
How many times have you felt like you just can’t lose weight. Weight loss is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a secret that is so simple, anyone can do it. This post will give you the skills to apply it so you finally find success. It’s not a quick fix, instant diet or exercise plan. Are you ready to hear it?